Monday, October 8, 2007

Using workdays in excel, using httptunneling, seam configuration in ear, determine your future baby's sex (Lesson #1 : 2007/10/08)

Using workdays
Background :
Previous schedule created always calculate the date for the next task manually, sometimes we forgot that saturday & sunday shouldn't be taken into account.

A column is used to fill how many days are required to finish the task, the formula to calculate the date when the next task should begin is :

=WORKDAYS(prevTaskDate, mandays)

as simple as that.

Using HttpTunneling
Background :
My friend can't connect to a server using ssh (blocked by his server).

Lesson :
The idea is simple, run httptunneling in the server to forward data from port 80 (http) to port 22 (ssh) and run httptunneling in the client to forward data from port 22 to 80.
In theory, it should work but... have to investigate it later :)

Seam configuration in ear
see my post in .....

Determine your future baby's sex
Background :

Lesson :
In short, there are two kind of sperms which determine the baby's sex, namely X and Y. Y for male, X for female. Some factors determine which sperm will reach the egg first (and it'll win of course :). See this link for details :)

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